Saturday, January 28, 2017

Why every woman should have a Boudoir Shoot

You know you have always wanted to do one, but you are terrified at the thought of stripping down to your bare essentials in front of someone. Remember, I am a professional. I will make you feel comfortable and guide you every step of the way. I’m giving you 10 reasons right now why you should do a boudoir shoot and they all start and end with you! 1. To look back on. Why not have proof for when you’re older and catch yourself saying “I used to look like that”. 2. It boosts confidence and helps you to love every inch of yourself. The self-discovery and empowerment are only a plus!
3. Having full on hair, makeup, and photo pamper can make you feel like a queen. It might even be addictive, you’ll want to rebook, maybe even a party for you and your girlfriends! 4. The perfect way to commemorate your weight loss, and inspiration to keep going! 5. It’s an excuse to go shopping for something frivolous!  Also you’ll now have that classy lingerie set for that special someone or night out.
6. Celebrate a transitional period. Newly engaged? Just get married? Just had a baby? Milestone birthday? Anniversary? Heck, even a divorce! 7. Correct doubts! Thinking “I’m too big, or not pretty or confident enough”. Nonsense. As cliché as it sounds people come in all different shapes and sizes. I will make everyone look feminine and beautiful. That’s my job! You are a sexy woman! 8. Recently out of a relationship? What better way to celebrate being single and return confidence.
9. It’s not about sex. It’s about feeling sexy. Showing your pictures to friends or online is a confidence step in itself. It’s about not letting other people judge you and about you forming your own definition of beauty. 10. Shock your friends and yourself! If it’s something you’ve always wanted to do, be glamorous for a day and do it! I will always put my best effort into making you feel comfortable and maximize your fun experience! I also offer group party packages that include wine and strawberries – make a day of it!